May 2020


During the period of isolation, the TPO Foundation specifically relied on design of new materials shared through social media and targeted groups of students, teachers and parents so that together we could quickly and efficiently overcome the period of isolation and not remember it as a very bad experience.
A special vulnerable category in this period were children, who could not meet their peers in parks, go on trips, kindergartens, see their teachers and study in school, visit museums or cinemas, etc. For this reason, the TPO Foundation invited its associates, well-known journalists, writers, poetry lovers, diplomatic ambassadors, professors and actors to join the "Let me read for you" campaign.
"Let me read for you" campaign arose out of a desire for children not to feel lonely and not to be deprived of listening to children's stories and songs that they would probably listen to in school or kindergarten if they were not in isolation.

Many of our associates immediately responded to the invitation and carefully chose picture books, fairy tales, stories, songs that would be interesting for children to listen to and immerse themselves in and imagination, so that the stories lead them to unforgettable adventures where there is no isolation, fear or sadness. The campaign was successful and soon was spread to other famous and public and lesser-known people who wanted to contribute to this campaign. In less than a month, 27 video stories were published in which celebrities read stories, fairy tales and songs for children. Video review and sharing reached numbers above 3000.

Videos are available on: